Tuesday 1 January 2013

Who am I?

Hai guys, so if you stubble across this then you have entered the world that is my mind. See I was us hint tumblr for this, however people I knew in reality started following so I toned it down, however I need somewhere to put the thoughts and feelings about life and shit but I don't really care who sees that has an account.
So who am I?
I'm Chlo, I was born '96 so you can figure it out how old I am.
I'm a British girl, not posh like they say, I'm a little brummy! Haha
I have a lot of emotional baggage and I get angry quick.
I'm not into 'normal' stuff well what even is normal?
I've had my hair many colours lengths so I love changing my style
I study people ( not creepy I promise!!)

So enjoy my ramblings.
Much love xxxxxxx

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